

Welcome to my diary. Here I share my journey and life with multiple sclerosis (MS). 

Not my ending

Not my ending

Angry is the immediate emotion I can be.

The wheelchair is malfunctioning and I feel this again is God saying “okay, you’re not suppose to be here. Get to working out to get out of this space. No matter how long recovery will take—GET  UP.”

One morning I woke up and my legs had stopped moving. Doctors do not know how or why, but the explanation is “this was an unfortunate act from multiple sclerosis”.

I’ve been beside myself since. Somewhat motivated at starting a routine, not seeing the progress so I falter and stop. Consistency has been the death of my progress, but I am now in the perfect space to get it in gear to see where this goes. 


PROCRASTINATION ❗️I no longer have time to BS my life’s goals and plans are to be successful with this dammed disease. I need to press the gas and go 😮‍💨. It is time to leave this chair behind. 

So I started with dishonorship. I will not say “get my chair.” This is not my life. This wheelchair is not my end. Now it’s “get the chair”. It’s the little things that shift the attitude and intended purpose.

It’s time to get moving—O N W A R D.

Dirty Computer

Dirty Computer

Skin Care: The Rehab

Skin Care: The Rehab