

Welcome to my diary. Here I share my journey and life with multiple sclerosis (MS). 

Skin Care: The Rehab

Skin Care: The Rehab

Ever since MS I’ve had to reevaluate my eating and skincare habits. Here is how it goes:

I realized I'm a bit superficial 😶.

Though they work the current MS medicines I am using have drastically shifted my skincare. Traditionally, in the summer, my skin is oily, in the fall/winter dry, and in the spring/summer, combo. Now with schedule IV prescriptions constantly in my system, my skin can and will fluctuate to severe levels of oily, clogged pore betrayal and a blackhead blizzard.

In the winter my legs, lips, hands, and cheeks can get extremely dry. I can see the dead skin forming around my cuticles. The MS burns, cuts and scraps I have on my legs, I can no longer feel due to nerve damage, these are my first-world dilemmas.

Am I not wrong for finding distraction? I am attempting to forgive myself in order to cope with my stressors and give my body an adequate chance at survival.

HONESTY HOUR: I will NOT spend money on things I can make at home 👀. I’ve gone through trial and error on products and DIY masks I can use endlessly, to fade these scars and tame these marks 🤷🏾‍♀️.

I've gotten unsettling news that my dermatologist will not use As stologusgvso no laser treatment to instantly or within 10 sessions take my burms away. Fed up with my skin, I have laid out the skincare spread that I will use daily to assist with keeping cleanliness and scar recovery to find what will work for me.


1️⃣ Azalic acid.

2️⃣ DIY turmeric, Aztec mask, honey with milk, lemon juice or apple cider vinegar.

3️⃣ Aztec mask with apple cider vinegar.


1️⃣ Neutrogena Boost

2️⃣ CeraVe Nightly

I will gett this skin together 💪🏾.

Not my ending

Not my ending

I hate it here

I hate it here