

Welcome to my diary. Here I share my journey and life with multiple sclerosis (MS). 

To Style

To Style

I have truly always loved a nice pair of heels and quality clothes (the material—silk, not polyester), purses, and accessories galore. Though disappointing my grandmother and becoming an athletic tomboy in my teenage years, multiple sclerosis had her back and trekked me back to “being a lady”. 

Even with chronic pain, muscle weakness, spasticity, that is one hell of bitch, I find my joy in style. Check my Insta feed (@TheMSMuse—tag!) and Pinterest boards (TheMSMuseyes, another tag!) for my style and inspirations I am currently coveting.

With my disability I can no longer wear 6” heels and strut down my runways in 6’6” STALLI bliss.

Discover & share this Judge Judy GIF with everyone you know. GIPHY is how you search, share, discover, and create GIFs.

With MS I’ve truly had to hone into creating my style (outside of all black) as another way to finding out who The MS MUSE is, what is it that she likes, what does she want to do, go see, who does she want to be? Because a career is oh so nice, but it cannot, and will not be my everything. So to style, let’s continue to look GEWD and make the gawkers, gawk.


To Double Impairments, With Love

To Double Impairments, With Love

Meet DeLoris

Meet DeLoris