

Welcome to my diary. Here I share my journey and life with multiple sclerosis (MS). 

Meet DeLoris

Meet DeLoris

Remember Sasha Fierce? Fierce served a purpose, allowing Beyonce to experiment with who she was and find who she wanted to be. Fierce served as her cloak as DeLoris is mine.

You are looking at Deloris. Deloris is my spiritual bougie reincarnate brought on through life with MS. And I’m also from the Panhandle, rural North Florida, so the name Deloris is as rural as I will go.

FACT My sister and I were arguing via text (slanderous, vulgar love greetings) and she said “You old ass Deloris, lookin…”I end up telling the joke to our grandmother, who then said


and it was there that she went on to swipe the black Onyx ring out of my bag that I secretly bought her for her birthday.

Back to Deloris, Deloris is my bow to Shirley, that’s my Panhandle mami. She’s a 4’11” ball of lightning who offends my fiancé vigorously, but I must pay homage to my ‘ol girl. Her gumption has been my motivation in discovering who and what I want to be, with a life with MS.

To Style

To Style