

Welcome to my diary. Here I share my journey and life with multiple sclerosis (MS). 

FREE these legs

FREE these legs

Y'all…MS has done some excessive damage to me physically, mentally and emotionally. I was reading a study that states MS attacks its African-American prey much more aggressively than Caucasin 🙄😒😑.

WHEN IS SOMETHING, SOMEONE NOT jeopardizing a black life 😡🤬.

I'm hailed a warrior, my tribe is hailed warriors, because we fight a monster everyday that we not you can see, still 75+ years past initial discovery, we have clues 😶‍🌫️, and definitely better medicines and resorces to aide in our war.

With too many to count, I have a lot of leisions on my spine, which targets my legs--the longest and heaviest part of my body 🙄. I feel cursed, all my life I have played sports, walked, climbed and ran independently. NOW, as I approach 30, I am MS-ridden, I've lost the idea of how to walk, since my Lisfranc debacal and I'm tied to “The Wheels, ” my name for the rollator 🙄😩 to aide me in walking me anywhere and everywhere 😒. I hate it here.

👆🏾 That’s not all, a few years ago, I fell asleep in front of a heater, causing to horrendous marks on my legs. I remember I felt so humiliated-very stupid, like “WTF, Ashley, how?” when it happened. Rebellion begate rebellion, and in three months time, after the blisters, I developed staph-mrsa. The heater burned through layers of flesh, 😑 I can't with myself. 

Because I have nerve damage, I don't feel from my waist down. Which is dangerous, when I consider how “bull in a China shop” I am--i’m a bit rough 😣. My legs have sustained damage, hips, legs and high thigh area have evidence of deep lashes and marks—😭😭😭 I don't even feel them or see them until they've scanned over❗️

My husband always laughs at the “North Florida, ” in me, because I will always come with homemade scrub or a face mask to rectify the issue.

I am dark-skinned, so hyperpigmentation is an enemy. Tumeric is my fix. I have used this countless of times on my face and neck and have seen “the glory 🙏🏾” of scars lightened and removed.

The issue with this gem is, turmeric, S T A I N S,be careful where you are (don’t  go around touching things)—turmeric will always finds a way to stain. You can find various turmeric recipes online, but this is in my jar (I never do measurement with this:

1️⃣A dash, shimmy or shake of turmeric.

2️⃣One (1) lemon, squeezed and pitted. 

3️⃣Add a squirt of honey.

For the concoction, it is my thought that the turmeric mixed with the acidy of the lemon, a natural bleaching agent, is 👌🏾. A squirt of honey is to add moisture.

My legs, now that they are semi-none accessible, they still remain one of my most prized possessions. 

MS will be the “hell-that-has-fury, ” but me and my partner will be here, to stand here and adjust to the many, many threats of my MS.

A time to heal

A time to heal

Wreck Me, MS

Wreck Me, MS