To, 2021

To 2021, I will stumble, but I will not falter. This note is to remind myself and is a declaration to you, that through the cuts, bruises and busted lips I will get up, and try again.

Carole Catheter

I googled it. The common age for children to no longer wet the bed is between the range of 2 and 4. I am a full-ass, 6’1” adult.

PEEING in the bed? I don’t do that shit.


I find myself going to specialist appointments more than I would like, getting put on drugs that the majority of the time do not do a damn thing, all to try and help me manage my debilitating disease and its symptoms.

I noticed THIS humiliating symptom truly three months after being diagnosed.

The Relapse Mood, Part 2

Relapse music is above necessary when your legs become cement and stall you like a bug caught in the soap suds on the car window. Yes, feeling like you’ve f! up is an often thought. Good thing Apple Music is an air-pod away.